Only 15 laughs a day? Well not on my watch! I don’t say to keep a smile on the dial to fill in the gaps, I say it because it is every bit as important as the push up or sprint. I am always happy as your trainer to see you all out there enjoying your session and each others company, but it is not just at training that you can enjoy activities to improve your health.
There are so many fun hobbies that will improve your fitness that are bound to make you smile…stand up paddle boarding, surfing, walking with a friend, running with your dog, horse riding, kayaking, playing yard games with your kids and not to forget team sports, it’s never too late to learn!
The key is to happy fitness is to choose an activity that you enjoy and the fitness improvement will be a bonus. It shouldn’t be a chore, or a punishment but something you look forward to and are excited for the next time you get to do it again. It is good for the body, good for the mind and great for the soul!
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