In our last newsletter I mentioned my concern about the amount of people who were struck down by the flu virus thru the winter months and leading into Spring and I strongly encouraged you to look at more natural forms of treatment as opposed to taking pharmaceutical medicines. In the health article of this newsletter we add to this with an article on the many health benefits associated with taking a cold shower with one of the most important benefits being how this can boost your immune system and provide you with further protection against contracting common illnesses such as the dreaded flu virus. I have challenged you before to practice this and to make it a daily ritual and I now challenge you again! Over the 8 Weeks of our current Spring into Summer Body Blitz please take up this challenge of having at least the last 30 seconds of your daily shower with only the cold water, with the weather being much warmer now is the perfect time to make this a daily habit moving forward that will greatly benefit your health and general well being as well as assisting you with fat loss and or weight loss. I have personally being doing this for years even during the cold winter months when I lived down in South Australia and I have not suffered from any illness for many years, it is healthy habit and a daily ritual for me. I highly recommend this practice and encourage you all to start doing the same, take responsibility for your health and create a lifetime daily habit that will assist you to lead a healthy and happy life! Enjoy the rest of the newsletter and keep a smile on your dial.
See you at training!
Cheers Fletch
Support Small Local Businesses
At Hands On Allied Health we pride ourselves in offering the highest quality Remedial Massage, Physiotherapy and Pilates.
My name is Roger Leeson I have been in the massage industry for 15 years. I have gained an extensive range of knowledge from my experience during my own professional sporting career and from working closely with Physiotherapists and Orthopedic surgeons. I pride myself on doing the best for my client and trying to rectify the problems as quickly as possible- treating the whole body to prevent problems reoccurring. My modalities include Deep Tissue and Remedial massage, cupping and assisted stretching.
Kristi Leeson has been a Physiotherapist for 13 years graduating with honors. Kristi has worked extensively with sporting teams Reds Rugby, Lions in AFL and elite athletes including the current triathlon world champion Jan Frodeno. Kristi’s work ethic is second to none and has the clients best interests at heart, with this in mind she has an impeccable record with getting clients back on there feet and back into there chosen field as quickly as possible.
At Hands on Allied Health we live up to our name “Hands ON”. Health fund rebates are also claimable.
Come see us at hands on Allied Health.
Upcoming Events
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Here To Stay!The Pilates/Yoga session by the river with Arienne has proved to be very popular so it is here to stay and will continue to be held every Saturday morning commencing at 830am. The cost will remain the same at just $5 for fletch fitness members, $10 for friends and or family members that attend with you and $15 for any casual attendees. |
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Referral Reward!Introduce a friend today! Take part in the referral reward for a limited time only and receive one week of free training in return for introducing a new member that signs up to join our training team. How easy is that! |
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Business Discounts:Fletch Fitness 2015 Spring into Summer 8 Week Body Blitz
All the above Businesses are offering a 10% discount until the 31/12/2015 so please take full advantage of the savings by supporting these businesses. |
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Vegan Feast!Fully Booked! Thank you to those you have secured your places, it is now officially sold out! It is confimed for Saturday 21st November at 6.30pm and more details will be in your next newsletter. Can’t wait! |
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Saturday TrainingsSaturday 31st October – 7am Saturday 7th November – 7:30 am |
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Our Timetable
In the Spotlight
In the Spotlight in this edition of our newsletter is the Lovely Jan Pascoe. Jan has been a part of our team for six months now and her enthusiastic approach to training and her zest for life is absolutely inspiring for us all! Jan has become a very popular member of our team thru her friendly mannerism, the positiveness she brings to our training sessions and the energy she displays for living life to the fullest in Fitness, Health, Happiness and having lots of Fun! Keep up the Inspirational work Jan and keep that smile on your dial!
Name: Jan Pascoe
Occupation: School Crossing Attendant
Tell us something we don’t know about you.
I’m originally from Perth came to Noosa in the late 80’s was married to a property developer(second marriage) enjoyed the high life for a time. In 1998 went to the United States for a 3 week course doing my spiritual journey, decided to stay for a year had only a credit card. Within a few days of making that decision I had a job as a live in carer, bought a car of the side of the road and in between jobs as a carer I either lived out of my car or stayed with friends where possible. I have travelled a fair bit to the Asian countries, UK and Pacific Islands. I love music, dancing, helping family and friends and making new friends.
What is your favourite Fletch Fitness session?
I don’t have a favourite session I like them all, I think the variations provide are great for brain activity and keeps me learning new techniques.
When you find yourself with 30 minutes of free-time, how do you spend it?
As I love Noosa so much I would go to the Noosa National Park, ride my boogie board at the beach, go cycling. Walk down Hastings street, listen to the street music, take myself off to a restaurant, go to the Sunshine Beach Surf Club and other local venues for the music.
What is currently your main goal?
To enjoy great health and fitness, ingrain more of raw vegan food habit in my life, to heal my body, get more out of life and live fully with lots of energy. My greatest investment in life is my mind and body, and the challenges I create for myself keeps life exciting.
Health – 7 Awesome Benefits of Cold Showering
Cold showers have been proven to have an amazing effect on your well being and health. Something as simple as rotating the temperature gage can really have a big improvement on your life.
1) Cold Showers Build Strong Will Power
Out of all the other articles out there, no one lists this as a positive of taking cold showers, but I personally think it’s the most important. Cold showers build massive will power.
To a cold shower virgin, the amount of will power it takes to take cold showers may seem like that of a Shaolin Monk, because for the common man it is a pretty big jump.
Doing something you are so resistant to, every single day, right when you wake up, takes a lot of mental strength. And overtime, this mental strength and discipline will become an automated habit that echo’s into every area of your life.
2) They Improve Emotional Resilience
Do you get flustered, anxious or pissed off easily?
Cold showers can help. Seriously, cold showers train your nervous system to be more resilient to stress.
As shown in this study, cold showers act as a small form of oxidative stress on your nervous system. And overtime, the body adapts to this. Essentially, you will be a calm, cool, badass dude. The first time you step in that cold shower, you won’t be able to think straight, let alone breath. But after a month, you will be thinking about your day in a Zen like focus as the ice cold water has no effect on your manliness. This will translate into everyday life as you brush off the stress that would typically ruin your mood.
3) They Reduce Stress
Along with increasing your adaptation to stressful situations, they will lower levels of uric acid, and boost levels of Glutathione in your blood – making you less stressed in general.
4) Cold Showers Increase Alertness
If you’re one of the brave souls that have taken a cold shower already, then you will know that at first it is hard to breath.
But don’t be scared. This extreme deep breathing, at 8AM every morning, is going to dramatically increase your oxygen intake & heart rate, resulting in a natural dose of energy throughout the day.
On top of the icy cold water, this deep breathing will leave you feeling alert, instead of a groggy zombie.
5) They’ll Improve Your Skin & Hair
If your not motivated by feeling better, then be motivated by looking better.
One of the best ways to improve your skin (and hair) is by taking cold showers. Plus it’s free!
Ice cold water can help our skin by preventing it from losing too many natural oils. And your hair gets the same benefit.
Along with that, one of the benefits of cold showers is how they will help your hair appear shiny, strong & healthy by keeping the follicles flat and increasing their grip to the scalp.
6) Stimulate Weight Loss
Another way cold showers will make you look better, is by promoting fat loss.
Most people don’t know this, but there are two types of fat in your body. Brown fat & white fat. White fat is bad. It’s the body fat that we all hate so much. Brown fat is good. It’s function is to generate heat and keep your body warm.
When you take a cold shower, brown fat is activated, resulting in an increase in energy and calories burned to keep your body warm. So much so that according to this study, cold temperatures can increase brown fat by 15X the normal amount.
7) Cold Showers Improve Circulation
And if you’re not motivated by feeling better, or looking better, then be motivated by being healthier.
Cold showers improve circulation by means of sending blood down to your organs to keep them warm. This stimulation of the circulatory system is great for your overall cardiovascular health.
So here it is…this is all you have to do. Take a cold shower tomorrow morning, and see how you feel. You can start hot, but end cold, for at least 1 minute. Then see how you feel. If you liked it, then do it again the next day and see how two days in a row made you feel. Remember, just one cold shower at a time :)
If you know of any events or articles that you would like to share, please feel free to email them. Click here to email.
Have a great day & keep a smile on your dial!
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